It Is Not What You Go Through That Matters But How You Come Out.
Are you coming out of that seemingly challenging and bad situation strong and better or deflated and defeated?
Listen to mr my friend- this is not unto death but to make you stronger and better if you will believe so.
It is the outcome matters most.
You are a child of God covenanted and marked out for victory as an Overcomer.
Listen to this my friend-
“Becoming victorious is predicated on you going through trails and coming out on the other side better of.
You cannot be victorious without a fight.
The good news is that, the outcome has already been fixed in your favour”
M Ashimolowo
You are blessed and highly favoured of the Lord.
Endure all manner of challenges that you may encounter in 2023 so as to come out shining like Gold.
God is about to do something new in your life.
You’re coming into a shift, a breakthrough.
What you couldn’t do on your own,
God is going to step in and do for you.
Your destiny is too great, your time is too valuable
for you to go another year restricted, limited.
Though it may look like there is no one standing with you, and though you may feel alone when you’re going through a hard time, put your hope in God, for He has promised to be with you and to guide you.
God in His great mercy is going to release you from every bondage, free you from every restriction. You’re about to step into new levels of freedom, peace, productivity, fulfillment.
Assured Victory Is Yours.
Arise and shine.
The battle is the Lords.
Believe Him to see you through victoriously.
Pursue overtake and recover ALL.
“The only thing more challenging than pursuing the highest version of yourself is not pursuing the highest version of yourself.
Dan Koe - Freelance Creator
In your adversity lies your opportunity to be elevated.
Those who strive to be noticed are most often ignored.
Be like the stars, just keep shining.
Rock bottom will teach you lessons that mountain tops never will.
Faith in God will help you overcome.
Arise and shine.
Don’t worry choose to be Happy.
You are blessed to be a blessing.
I am your friend and Encourager.
Do have a productive year.
Go get my No 1 Amazon Best Seller Book Nuggets Of Encouraging (NOE) by clicking on the book image below.