Open Yourself To The Power Of Giving.
Become a Go Giver.
"The meaning of life is to find your gift. The purpose of life is to give it away." Pablo Picasso
Give Of Yourself On A Daily Basis.
“Changing yourself from getting to giving- putting others’ interest first and continually adding value to their lives - ultimately leads to unexpected results.
It is not what we get that makes a lasting sustainable difference in our lives but what we Give.
What are you giving?
What are you willing to give sacrificially.
What counts to you is NOT what you get but what you GIVE.
“Most people just laugh when they hear that the secret to success is giving….. Then again, most people are nowhere near as successful as they wish they were”. The Go Giver
The greatest of all men are those who willingly and freely give to others.
The givers receives more and become bigger givers.
There must be no end to your giving.
Give FREELY your resources- Whatever you purpose to Give make sure it is of VALUE to you.
•Your Time
•Your Smile
•Your Thanks in Appreciation
•Your Forgiveness
•Apology - “I am Sorry”
•Your skills
•Your knowledge
•Your Money (Wealth)
• Your Prayers
•Your Services
• Your Availability (Presence)
• Your Words of Encouragement
• Your Care and Support
• Your Expression of Love and Compassion
• Your Intellect and. Experience
What are you giving to others who need your giving.
You want to be rich -
•Spiritually - Peace, Joy, and Contentment
Physically- Healthy Lifestyle
•Socially - Human network, Family and Friends
•Psychologically - Emotionally (Emotional Intelligence) Mindfulness
•Financially - Ability to Give financially and to Receive
go start giving what you have.
Givers never lack.
Give it will come back to you, press down shaking all over so shall men give to your bosom.
The poor hold on more than it’s necessary.
Engage your life towards an exponential returns by becoming the The Go Giver.
In addition, the act of giving not only makes you a happier person, it is also good for your health. A broad spectrum of research has led to the conclusion that generosity and better health, even among the sick and elderly, are interconnected with each other.
Check out these 5 reasons why we should give more:
1) Giving makes us feel happy. ...
2) Giving is good for health. ...
3) Giving helps social connection. ...
4) Giving evokes gratitude. ...
5) Giving is contagious.
Get into the habit of giving and be a blessing to someone.
Finally the act of giving is not complete if you are NOT also a good receiver too.
Giving and Receiving compliments each other.
A true and genuine giver must of essence learn to be a good receiver as well.
As you give you create more room to receive more.
A simple spiritual principles- "Give it will come back to you good measure press down and shaken together and running over. Give it will come back to you".
Now watch, listen and sing along-
Be a good giver and a humbling receiver.
"For every giver there must be a receiver, and for every receiver there must be a giver.” — T. Harv Eker
"To whom much is given, much will be required" (Luke 12:48).
If you have heard that line of wisdom, you know it means we are held responsible for what we have.
If we have been blessed with talents, wealth, knowledge, time, and the like, it is expected that we benefit others.
Go forward now and be a good giver as much as a good receiver.
Don’t worry choose to be Happy.
You are blessed to be a blessing.
I am your friend and Encourager.
Now GO get my No 1 Amazon best Seller Book- Nuggets Of Encouragement -click on the book image below ==>>