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Writer's pictureDr. Dimeji Afolabi

Critical Keys To Developing The Determination And Resilience To Winning Your Race Of Life.

Running the race of life which we must all do and engage unconditionally is a process, a marathon and not just a dash and it requires your strength and stamina plus the right equipment, mindsets and attitude to get through unscathed.

What is your plan or strategy to run this race set before you?

Those who fail to plan, plan to fail.

Am sure you will agree with me that life is and can be very tough and challenging at most times for everyone without exception.

So, what is our strategy and plan to keep us well resourced to respond positively to these challenges when they show up in our journey of life?

Now, listen to what the Bible says about it -

“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” John 16:33

You need  develop your your own coping skills and strategy to transverse the land mines on your journey required for survival to run your race successfully.

Like any skill, these are the personal wellbeing skills elements of survival that I believe are critical and enabling namely-

•mental toughness,

•emotional, and

•spiritual resilience

and all can be learned.

Here’s how: - according to W42D

1) Redefine setbacks as the gateway to something greater.

2) Remember successful people don’t just face adversity, they embrace it.

3) Tune out the critics and focus on doing your best.

4) Wake up every day remembering that prayer and gratitude create a fertile environment for faith.

5) Increase your faith-talk when you’re afraid.

6) Learn from failure, and remember the many times you’ve succeeded.

7) Visualise victory before going into battle.

8) Refuse to dwell on the past or worry about the future; today is where you have the most influence.

9) Identify a solution instead of complaining.

10) Replace self-doubt with faith-talk.

11) When things look hopeless, remember ‘with God all things are possible’ (Mark 10:27 KJV).

12) When you feel alone, think of all those who have helped you and who love and support you. 13) Pray for guidance when you’re in over your head (see James 1:5).

14) Rest when you’re tired, but don’t give up. Finish strong in everything you do.

15) Remember you ‘can do all things through Christ’ when you think you can’t (Philippians 4:13 KJV).

16) Recognise what you can’t control, focus on what you can, and surrender the rest to God.

17) Exercise physically if you can, to give yourself a sense of control and help lift your mood.

18) Laugh to reduce stress, strengthen your immune system, and improve arterial blood flow. 19) Be grateful.

20) The attitude of gratitude is so important and critical to our wellbeing emotionally and psychologically.

Research shows that people who sent a letter or email of thanks to somebody who helped them, stayed in a better mood for up to a month.

Do NOT just be hearers of the word but be a doer of the word you have heard and put it to work in your life and see your transformation.

Application brings change and change leads to transformation and a new and better person in your personal development.

Don’t worry choose to be Happy.

You are blessed to be a blessing.

I am your friend and Encourager.

Now You can get more value from my No 1 Amazon Best Seller Book-

Nuggets of Encouragement.

Click of the Book Image Below To purchase or order your own Copy of my Book-

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